Alec Ryan Kiesow
This is my Son Alec! Here is a picture of him from a couple years ago-notice the cool Telecaster.It took almost two years to refinish the guitar, but it looks great. I actually made two of the miniature guitars, the first one was given to Marty Stuart. (long story!) This is the second one, and it belongs to Alec!
Alec is a big fan of The Dukes of Hazzard! He recently got to have his picture taken by The General Lee! Pretty exciting stuff for a 7 Year old boy! Now he decided that we should buy a General Lee, we'll have to wait and see!
Here's Alec with his Dwarf Rabbit named Hunny Bunny!
And here is Alec's cat Richey!
Lastly, Here's Alec and I on stage!